Why is breast cancer early detection important?
Sandra Gioia
Local re-operation and recurrence in oncoplastic breast surgery
Vanessa Amoroso, Cicero Urban, Rubens Silveira de Lima
Impact of preoperatory magnetic resonance imaging in oncoplastic surgery
Karina Furlan Anselmi, Cicero Urban, Linei Urban, Ana Paula Martins Sebastião, Rubens Lima, Flavia Kuroda, Cleverton Spautz, Thiago Astorga Martins, Iris Rabinovich, Eduardo Schunemann
Impact of the pink october in the mammographic screening adherence in a reference center in oncology
Poliana Ruhmke Vazzoller, Yuri Costa Farago Fernandes, Bruna Aparecida Gotardo, Jocelito Ruhnke, Douglas Soltau Gomes
Androgen receptor expression in triple negative breast cancer and its relationship to prognostic factors
Cassilha Kneubil, Alessandra Eifler Guerra Godoy, Guilherme Portela Coelho, Rafael Grochot, Renato Luis Rombaldi, Fábio Firmbach Pasqualotto, Bruno Wensing Raimann, José Mauro Madi, André Borba Reiriz, Mariana Alessi, Nathalia Hoffmann, Mariana Roesch-Ely, Janaína Brollo
The validity of an adjustable compression Velcro wrap for the treatment of patients with upper limb lymphedema secondary to breast cancer: a pilot study
Larissa Louise Campanholi, Graziele Chiquette Lopes, Fábio Postiglione Mansani, Anke Bergmann, Jaqueline Munaretto Timm Baiocchi