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Brazilian Society of Mastology

About the Brazilian Society of Mastology

Founded in 1959 the Brazilian Society of Mastology (BSM) is a non profit organization affiliated to Brazilian Medical Association and Senologic International Society. BSM possess 1800 members, being 1038 specialists in mastology. It supports its members in a wide range of activities including education and research, and helps to promote knowledge through educational events, such conferences, courses and symposiums, about breast cancer treatment.

Our Mission

- Promote continuing medical educational program for all specialists in mastology. It promotes dissemination of the most advanced knowledge in mastology, optimizing the patients treatment.

- Is responsible for the Certification of specialists in mastology in Brazil.

- Participate in public health policies.

- Stimulate screening programs for early detection of breast cancer in public and private health services aiming to decrease morbidity and mortality of breast cancer patients.

- Index the Brazilian Journal of Mastology to PUBMED/MEDLINE and publish books for the dissemination of scientific knowledge in mastology.

- Include volunteers in the decision making of reference services.

Our Vision

Improve treatment for all women at risk of and living with breast cancer through advancing science, education and practice of breast surgery.

Our Values

- Professionalism through integrity and ethical conduct

- Quality through the use of the most advanced knowledge in mastology

- Lifelong learning through continuing medical education

- Education through educational events and dissemination of scientific knowledge in Mastology